Beaky Buzzard "Nope, Nope..." 95k
Bugs Bunny "Aint it awful" 12k
Bugs Bunny "Get me outa here" 23k
Bugs Bunny "Hey doc, wait I wanta ask ya somethin" 28k
Bugs Bunny "Suit yourself Doc." 14k
Bugs Bunny "Thanks alot Doc." 15k
Bugs Bunny "You've got troubles mac." 19k
Bugs Bunny "What's all the hubub.. bub" 69k
Bugs Bunny "What's up doc? #2 18k
Bugs Bunny "What's up doc?" 34k
Bugs Bunny "Pardon me for interuptin" 25k
Bugs Bunny "Hey doc, why are you so Cantankerous today?" 26k
Bugs Bunny "Special Delivery from Mars" 16k
Cecil Turtle "Rabits aren't very bright either" 83k
Daffy Duck "Don't call us, we'll cal you" 35k
Daffy Duck "I got a favorite day" 19k
Daffy Duck "And you want me to find Planet X" 29k
Daffy Duck "Gadd, how do I do it?" 22k
Daffy Duck "Just a par-boild minute" 23k
Daffy Duck "My aren't we touchy today" 24k
Daffy Duck "Let's go over here and talk private.." 20k
Daffy Duck "Yeah, that's it!" 10k
Daffy Duck lines from "The Great Piggy Bank Robbery" 317k
Daffy Duck "You're Despicable!" 24k
"Little does he realize I have on my disintegration proof vest" 104k
"Ho!HA!Guard!Turn!Pary!Dodge!Spin!HA!Thrust!" 72k
"...and brother when it disintegrates it disintegrates!" 137k
Daffy Duck "Song #1" AU 205k
Daffy Duck "Song #2" AU 77k
Daffy Duck "Story" AU 142k
Daffy Duck "Party story" AU 30k
Dawg (Foghorn's Rival) "I'll moider the bum!" 56k
Elmer Fudd "Be very very quiet" 17k
Elmer Fudd "Longer version of the above" 69k
Elmer Fudd "Smellivision replaces television.." 62k
Elmer Fudd "Kill The Wabbit!!!" 97k
Foghorn Leghorn "That dogs as subtle as a hand grnade..." 42k
Foghorn Leghorn "I've been hornswagled" AU 22k
Looney Tunes Theme Song AU 154k
Looney Tunes Ending AU 50k
Raymond Scott's "Powerhouse" 221k
Recording from "Putty Tat Trouble" 273k
That makes good sense 35k
Evil Scientist "Never Send a monster.." 56k
The Gremlin "Whatsa matter bunny rabit" 69k
The Gremlin "I like him, he's silly!" 32k
The Gremlin "These blockbuster bombs.." 89k
Hazel the Witch "Notice how I ride side-saddle" 66k
Marvin Martian "You make me very angry" 16k
Marvin Martian "Oh goody we're on" 54k
Pepe' Le Pew "Where are you.." 53k
Porky Pig "The names Porky Pig" 22k
Porky Pig "I'm not so stupid" 20k
Road Runner "Meep Meep.." 6k
Road Runner "Meep Meep #2" 4k
Road Runner "Meep Meep #3" 5k
Road Runner "Meep Meep #4" 5k
Road Runner "Meep Meep..Tong.." 14k
Road Runner "Meep Meep #5" 7k
Sam Sheepdog & Ralph Wolf 151k
Pete Puma "Oh 3 or 4..." 314k
Pete Puma "I'm the little fellers mother" 751k
Pete Puma "But you told me to" 28k
Tweety "I tawt I taw a puddy tat" 19k
Yosemite Sam "I hate rabbits" 25k
Yosemite Sam "I'ma warnin ya" 28k
Arrow sound effect 17k
Hit and drop sound effect 30k
Buzz sound effect 29k
EyiehEyieeaye!!! 10k
Speedy Gonzales "Hello pussycat" 80k
Sylvester "Sufferin succatash" 23k
Sylvester "Suffering succatash, squab" 42k
Taz "Flattery will get you nowhere" 28k
The Taz sound effect 51k
The Weasel "Yeah Yeah Slurp Slurp.." 42k
Wile E Coyote "Genius" 40k